Movement is the Portal Through
The Formation Experience
Empower yourself with a transformative journey for folks ready to know themselves and their body on a more intimate level. Who are you outside of the roles you play and the identities you’ve been?
It’s about feeling strong, confident & present in your body—no pursuit of perfection, just a celebration of your unique authenticity.
Explore a holistic method that incorporates functional movement, somatic inquiry, alignment techniques, subtle energy work, and magical practices.
Elevate your intuition, break free from limiting stories and amplify your self-trust. Together let’s dial down the anxiety and create a path to a more integrated, vibrant, harmonious YOU!
About the Founder
Christine Tracy is the owner of Formation Self Care Studio in Eugene, OR. Her work explores the vastness of liminal spaces, movement as medicine, and body sovereignty. Our pain & wounds are the fertile portal to greater spiritual growth and the self-knowing that we crave.
She weaves functional movement, practical magic, somatic soul inquiry and subtle energy work to support clients in building a deeper relationship with their body’s own unique language and landscape.
Christine is in service to the generational curse breakers, those learning to rest & receive, the want-to-be wildlings, the misfits, the curious and whimsical folk that know there is a gentler and more nutrient dense path that lies ahead.
Integrate and embody movement in your day-to-day life in a way that feels natural, seamless and sustainable. Build strength and self-trust from the inside out.
The only way out is through. Deep reflection provides us with insight into our own personal truths and supports us in gaining clarity. It allows us to sit with what is while also allowing our old stories to unravel themselves. Writing, meditation and reiki are great modalities to compliment this work
Reiki is a hands-on energy healing practice that promotes balancing, healing, relaxation and stress reduction. We will then chat before your energy work to set any intentions to bring more balance, clarity and light into your session and if you prefer, we can debrief afterwards.
The practice of presence as well as the dreaming of a future that you get excited about. We can simultaneously be grateful for what we have and still desire more in life.
Formation Self Care Studio
This is the place!
“Come as you are. Start where you’re at.”